Plastic surgery patients from Honolulu to Maui and throughout Hawaii praise board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shim Ching for his surgical skills, his professionalism, and his easy-going nature. He is grateful for the responses, and understands that satisfied patients are the foundation of his practice.
If you want to learn more about Dr. Ching, request a consultation to meet with him personally to discuss your cosmetic goals. You can also call our office to schedule an appointment. Please keep in mind that each patient is unique and results may not occur for all patients.
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.
Breast Reconstruction Testimonials
Dr. Long Patient Reviews
Dr. Long was fantastic after I was bitten on my lips and face by a dog. His bedside manner made me feel at ease. I had reconstructive surgery and my results were miraculous. Very little scaring and made me feel more confident after the incident. I highly recommend Dr Long.
Dr. Long performed reconstructive surgery on my breasts after breast cancer and I couldn’t be happier, so natural looking. Him and his staff are amazing and I would highly recommend them.
I am a breast cancer patient and Dr. Long has helped me immensely. I have had a total of 5 surgeries done by him, and his meticulous and careful surgery fixed my breast cancer damage, and also fixed my sunken nipples, and with his great liposuction technique, he also fixed my waist and stomach, giving me a great shape and flat abdomen. Everyone looks at me like I am in my early 40's, not 55. Now I can enjoy wearing clothes with a defined waist and bust line without any problem. I am very grateful. He is the master of plastic surgery! His detailed explanations made sure I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and he made sure I was comfortable with the surgery. He is a wonderful doctor and the best I have had cosmetic surgery with in the U.S. and Japan. I would recommend him to everyone. He is the best of the best!!
I have had a tummy tuck with Dr. Long and he did amazing. He answered my 294949559 questions and was very patient with me. He made me feel comfortable and confident about my choice. I have two other surgeries coming up with him and I can’t wait!
He was very personable and professional. Did a great job removing my birthmark on my face!
Naomi Blumberg
私は乳ガン患者です。Dr. Longには大変お世話になりました、トータルで5回手術をして頂きましたが彼の几帳面で丁寧な手術により乳ガンで胸の形が悪くなったのを丁寧に治して頂き、乳首の陥没や更には彼の素晴らしいテクニックによりライポーサクションでウエストやお腹もスッキリ素晴らしい体型に治して頂きました。誰からも55歳ではなく40台初旬に見られます。今は問題なくウエストやバストラインがくっきりした洋服も楽しく着ることが出来て乳ガン患者にとっては神業。とても感謝をしています。彼の詳細な説明で自分がどうしたいかをしっかりと確認して手術をして頂きました。素晴らしいドクターで私が美容整形をアメリカ、日本で受けましたが一番素晴らしいドクターだと思いますので皆様にお勧めさせて頂きます。最高!