At Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery in Honolulu, we understand the importance of men's sexual wellness and are dedicated to providing tailored, professional care to address intimate concerns. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Shim Ching, our renowned plastic surgeon with a focus on personalized and sophisticated aesthetic results, our clinic offers a range of cutting-edge treatments designed to enhance men's sexual health and confidence.

Shim Ching MD

Men's Sexual Health Procedures

Among our impactful options for men's sexual wellness in Honolulu, we provide the innovative P-Shot, a non-surgical procedure utilizing platelet-rich plasma to promote tissue regeneration and improve sexual performance. Additionally, we offer GAINSWave therapy, a state-of-the-art shockwave treatment aimed at reversing erectile dysfunction and maximizing sexual performance.

In addition to these advanced treatments, Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery provides additional options, including filler injections for penile enhancement, Scrotox (BOTOX for the scrotum), and Bocox (BOTOX for the penis) to address specific concerns and enhance overall sexual wellness. Furthermore, we also employ fat grafting procedures, utilizing the latest techniques to provide natural and lasting results. 

With a warm and welcoming approach, our clinic ensures a discreet and comfortable environment for men seeking transformative solutions for their sexual health needs. If you're ready to embark on a journey towards improved sexual wellness and confidence, we invite you to book a free consultation with us at Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery.


We're proud to offer the P-Shot, a cornerstone of our Men’s Sexual Health program, also known as the Priapus Shot. It's tailored to amplify male sexual performance and address erectile dysfunction (ED). This non-surgical procedure entails injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the patient's blood directly into the penis. Loaded with growth factors, PRP ignites tissue growth, bolsters blood flow, and sparks the revitalization of nerves and blood vessels. At Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery in Honolulu, Hawaii, discretion and professionalism are paramount in addressing your sexual health concerns. Should you have any questions or wish to schedule your P-Shot session, don't hesitate to contact our team today.

happy couple on the beach


We’re also excited to offer our male patients GAINSWave as an option to enhance their overall sexual health. This is a non-invasive medical treatment that utilizes state-of-the-art shockwave therapy to improve male sexual performance and treat erectile dysfunction (ED). By delivering low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT) to the penile tissues, GAINSWave stimulates blood flow and promotes the formation of new blood vessels in the penis. This non-surgical and non-invasive procedure has become increasingly popular for addressing the root cause of erectile dysfunction: decreased blood flow. 

In over 30 clinical tests, GAINSWave has shown a success rate of over 75% in men struggling with ED, making it a promising option for those seeking to maximize sexual performance without the use of drugs or lasers. The treatment involves multiple sessions, typically ranging from 6-12, depending on the severity of the erectile dysfunction and the patient’s response to each therapy, with each session lasting 15-20 minutes. GAINSWave is painless and non-invasive, allowing patients to resume their everyday activities immediately after each session.

During the GAINSWave procedure, a device administers acoustic waves to penile tissues. These waves trigger the growth of new blood vessels (neovascularization) and enhance blood flow—an essential factor for attaining and sustaining an erection. The treatment offers various benefits, including improved erectile function, increased penile sensitivity, enhanced sexual performance, and longer-lasting, more spontaneous erections. 

Shim Ching MD

Penis Filler

At Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery, we understand that sexual wellness is integral to your overall well-being. Penile filler injections are a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size, shape, girth, and sensitivity of the penis, and our expert nurse injector, Brittney, is now trained in penile enhancement. These fillers involve the injection of hyaluronic acid or collagen stimulators into the penile tissue, tailored to your individual aesthetic preferences.

What Does the Procedure Entail?

The procedure involves injecting a filler, typically hyaluronic acid, into the shaft and/or glans of the penis. Local anesthesia is used to minimize discomfort during the injections. Typically, the procedure lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, varying based on the level of enhancement desired. Dr. Ching also offers fat grafting, which involves liposuction to harvest fat from another part of the body before injecting it into the penis.

Why Choose Dr. Ching for Penis Filler?

Dr. Ching's extensive experience and superior technique ensure that you receive the highest standard of care and achieve transformative results. We also ensure that we provide a discreet and comfortable environment for men seeking penile enhancement, tailoring your experience to your individual needs and goals.

What are the Benefits of Penis Filler?

There are a multitude of benefits to penile filler injections, including increased penile girth, enhanced appearance, improved sensitivity and sexual satisfaction, and overall confidence. And you can customize the procedure to match your unique aesthetic desires, guaranteeing you attain the outcomes you seek.

What Should I Expect from the Recovery?

Following the procedure, typical side effects may involve swelling, bruising, and discomfort at the injection site, typically resolving within a few days. Like any injection, there's a risk of infection, asymmetry, or the formation of lumps or nodules. In rare instances, more severe complications such as vascular occlusion may occur, potentially leading to tissue damage if not promptly addressed. It's important to note that other options for penile enhancement include surgical procedures, such as penile implants or augmentation surgery. Non-invasive treatments like the P-Shot or GainsWave can also be considered, depending on your goals and medical condition.

How Long Do They Last?

Hyaluronic acid fillers deliver temporary results, lasting from two to five years, depending on the filler type and individual metabolism. Periodic injections are required to maintain the desired effect.

So, to embark on your journey towards improved sexual wellness in Honolulu, book a free consultation with us at Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery today. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized and professional care, and we look forward to helping you achieve your desired results. 

Scrotox (Scrotum BOTOX)

What is Scrotox?

Scrotox is a term used to describe the injection of BOTOX (botulinum toxin) into the scrotum. This cosmetic procedure is intended to relax the muscles in the scrotal area, leading to a smoother appearance and a lower hanging scrotal sack, creating a larger sac appearance. 

What Does the Procedure Entail?

During the procedure, Botox is injected into the dartos muscle, which is responsible for the wrinkling and tightening of the scrotal skin. The injections are relatively quick, taking about 30 minutes to complete. Local anesthesia or numbing cream is often applied to minimize discomfort during the injections, ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure.

What are the Benefits of Scrotox?

Discover the wealth of benefits that receiving Scrotox for men's sexual health in Honolulu can provide. With this elegant procedure, you can enjoy a smoother, more youthful appearance of the scrotal skin and reduced wrinkles and sagging. Also, you can expect increased comfort, especially for those dealing with tightness or excessive sweating in the scrotal area. Some may also find the potential for a lower-hanging scrotum appealing, aligning with their aesthetic preferences. These enhancements can significantly boost confidence and comfort in intimate situations.

How Long Does Scrotox Last?

It's important to note that while Scrotox provides noticeable improvements, its effects are temporary, typically lasting about three to four months. Repeated treatments are necessary to maintain the desired results, ensuring continued satisfaction and confidence.

Recovery and Results

After the procedure, temporary bruising, swelling, and discomfort may occur at the injection sites. As with any Botox treatment, there is a risk of allergic reactions and unintended muscle relaxation. It's also worth noting that this procedure is purely cosmetic and does not address any medical conditions or significantly alter sexual performance.

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Bocox (Penis BOTOX)

What is Bocox?

Bocox is a procedure that involves injecting Botox into the corpus cavernosum, a spongy tissue in the penis that fills with blood during an erection. The procedure is typically used to improve sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction (ED), but it can also potentially enhance sexual performance and sensitivity for men without ED.

What Does the Procedure Entail?

The procedure for Bocox entails injecting Botox into the areas surrounding the penis, which aims to create the appearance of a longer penis. This is achieved through the relaxation of muscles and the reduction of the fat pad above the penis, resulting in a slightly longer appearance. By targeting specific areas, the procedure can provide a subtle enhancement, contributing to increased satisfaction and confidence.

What are the Benefits of Bocox?

Men who undergo the procedure find it comfortable and straightforward. It's minimally invasive, painless, and offers long-lasting results. Recovery is quick, with minimal downtime and noticeable improvements in sexual function. Bocox promotes relaxation by easing tension in the muscles around the base of the penis, allowing for a subtle outward extension. Although its effects are temporary, typically lasting 3 to 6 months, repeat treatments are necessary to maintain the desired appearance. If you're eager to experience the transformative benefits of Bocox and unlock a new level of confidence and satisfaction, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation today.

Shim Ching MD

What Do Male Enhancement Treatments Cost?

We highly recommend setting up a free consultation with our team for personalized treatment options. Here are some of our treatment costs:

  • P-Shot - $1800
  • GainsWave for Him - $500/treatment (15% OFF when purchasing a package of 6)
  • Scrotox (scrotum BOTOX) - $1600
  • Bocox (penis BOTOX) - $1600
  • Fat Grafting prices will vary 

Fat Grafting 

Fat grafting for penile enhancement is a surgical procedure aimed at augmenting the girth or size of the penis, ultimately contributing to improved sexual wellness and satisfaction. Here's a comprehensive look at this innovative procedure:

How Does it Work?

Fat grafting for penile enhancement involves several key steps. First, through liposuction, excess fat is harvested from donor areas of the patient's body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks. This harvested fat is then processed and purified to remove impurities and excess fluids. The purified fat is subsequently injected into various layers of the penis, strategically placed to enhance volume and girth.

What are the Benefits of Fat Grafting? 

This procedure offers numerous benefits for sexual wellness:

  • Increased Girth: By injecting purified fat into the penis, patients can achieve a noticeable increase in girth, enhancing their confidence and sexual satisfaction.
  • Improved Self-Esteem: Many individuals experience a boost in self-esteem and body image following penile enhancement with fat grafting, which can positively impact their overall sexual wellness.
  • Enhanced Sensitivity: Fat grafting can potentially improve sensitivity in the treated area, leading to heightened sexual pleasure and enjoyment.
  • Natural Look and Feel: Since the injected fat is derived from the patient's own body, the results of fat grafting for penile enhancement typically look and feel natural without the risk of rejection or allergic reactions.
  • Long-Lasting Results: While some initial swelling is expected, the final results of penile fat grafting can last for years, providing patients with long-term improvements in sexual wellness.

Why Choose Dr. Ching for Your Sexual Wellness?

If you're considering to improve your sexual wellness and confidence, we encourage you to entrust yourself to our esteemed team at Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery. Led by Dr. Shim Ching, a renowned expert in aesthetic procedures, our seasoned professionals are dedicated to delivering personalized care and achieving exceptional results. Dr. Ching's precision and expertise are matched by our nurse practitioners, who administer fat grafting procedures with skill and compassion. Your comfort, privacy, and satisfaction are paramount at our cutting-edge facility. We provide a welcoming space where you can openly discuss your goals and concerns, ensuring that your journey to enhanced sexual wellness is both comfortable and empowering. Beyond our commitment to excellence in surgical techniques, we remain at the forefront of non-surgical advancements, offering you the latest innovations in penile enhancement. By scheduling a free consultation with us, you're taking the first step toward a more satisfying and fulfilling intimate life, guided by a team dedicated to your well-being and satisfaction.

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