What is an O-Shot®?

The O-Shot®, or Orgasm Shot®, is a non-surgical treatment aimed at improving sexual arousal and rejuvenating vaginal tissue. Utilizing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) extracted from your blood, this procedure aims to enhance sensitivity and potentially relieve conditions such as urinary incontinence. Our nurse injector performs the O Shot in Hawaii at Asia Plastic Surgery for a comfortable and discreet experience.

How Does the O-Shot® Work?

Administered by experienced practitioners like those at Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery, the O-Shot® involves Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), a concentrated form of the patient's blood rich in growth factors.

The O-Shot® works by harnessing the body's natural healing properties, as the PRP encourages collagen production and promotes tissue regeneration. The growth factors present in the PRP contribute to improved blood circulation in the genital area, resulting in increased sensitivity and arousal.

With its non-invasive nature and reliance on the body's own resources, the O-Shot® offers a safe and effective option for women seeking to enhance their sexual function and reclaim confidence in their intimate lives.

Am I a Good Candidate for the O-Shot®?

The following factors can help you determine if O-Shot® might be right for you:

  • Age and Health Status: Ideal candidates are typically women of any age experiencing sexual dysfunction but in good overall health.
  • Sexual Problems: You may benefit from O-Shot® if you have low sexual desire, difficulty reaching orgasm, or painful intercourse.
  • Menopausal Concerns: If you're going through menopause and suffer from dryness or decreased sensitivity, O-Shot® could provide relief.
  • Postpartum Recovery: After childbirth, if you're experiencing sexual dysfunction or urinary incontinence, O-Shot® might help.

  • Non-Smokers: Smoking can impair healing; non-smokers may experience better results with O-Shot®.

Before you proceed with the treatment, you must have an in-depth consultation with our Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery team. During this appointment, we will:

  • Evaluate your medical history
  • Discuss your concerns and expectations
  • Determine if O-Shot® aligns with your needs

O-Shot® Benefits

You may be considering the O-Shot® as a solution to sexual dysfunction or as a method to enhance your sexual experience. Treatment typically takes less than an hour, there is minimal downtime, and you may resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.

Here are just a few of the benefits associated with this treatment:

  • Enhanced Sexual Pleasure: You might notice increased sensitivity, leading to more pleasurable sexual encounters.
  • Increased Natural Lubrication: The shot can stimulate natural lubrication, potentially reducing discomfort during intercourse.
  • Improved Libido: Many recipients report a boost in sexual desire and libido.
  • Reduced Pain for Those with Dyspareunia: It can help alleviate pain during intercourse, particularly for those suffering from conditions like dyspareunia.
  • Decreased Urinary Incontinence: The treatment may strengthen pelvic floor muscles, improving urinary control.


    Potential Impact on You

    Enhanced Sexual Pleasure

    More sensitivity and pleasure during sexual activity.

    Increased Natural Lubrication

    Reduction in dryness and discomfort.

    Improved Libido

    Higher sexual desire and interest.

    Reduced Pain for Dyspareunia

    Alleviation of pain during intercourse.

    Decreased Urinary Incontinence

    Better control over urinary functions.

    What to Expect During Treatment

    At Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery, your comfort and safety are our top priority, and our nurse injector will ensure you receive the highest standard of care during your O-Shot® treatment.

    Here is a step-by-step guide to the administration process:

    • Numbing: A topical anesthetic cream is applied to the vaginal area to minimize discomfort.
    • Blood Draw: A small amount of blood is drawn from your arm—similar to a routine blood test.
    • Preparation: Your blood is then placed in a centrifuge to isolate growth factors, creating Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP).
    • Injection: The PRP is injected into the numbed area near the clitoris and upper vagina.

    You might feel slight pressure or tingling during the procedure, but the anesthetic cream helps make the experience more comfortable. The entire process typically takes less than an hour, and you can return to your everyday activities shortly after, with some minor restrictions.

    Shim Ching MD

    O-Shot® Recovery and Results

    Most women can resume their daily activities immediately while resuming sexual activity after one to three days. Swelling, redness, or a mild tingling sensation at the injection site can occur but usually subsides quickly.

    The results of the O-Shot® are not instantaneous, as the treatment relies on the body's natural processes. Collagen and tissue regeneration take time, so you may notice improvements gradually over the following weeks:

    • Initial changes appear as early as 2-3 weeks
    • Optimal results typically appear within three months

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    Why Choose Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery for the O-Shot®?

    At Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery, you will find a professional and comforting environment that ensures a serene experience as you undergo the O-Shot® treatment. Our board-certified plastic surgeons have extensive experience training nurse practitioners in providing this revolutionary procedure, using advanced techniques to enhance sexual wellness and urinary continence. We prioritize your safety, comfort, and satisfaction with a patient-centered approach.

    Booking your O-Shot® consultation at Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery is your first step towards experiencing the benefits of this innovative treatment. Take control of your well-being and connect with us today to discover how the O-Shot® can positively change your life.

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