If you're seeking to rejuvenate your appearance and restore a more youthful, balanced look to your earlobes, an earlobe lift procedure may be the elegant solution you've been searching for. At Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery Inc. in Honolulu, Hawaii, we understand the impact these aesthetic concerns can have on your self-image, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve the confident, youthful appearance you desire.
What is the Procedure Like?
The earlobe lift procedure is a straightforward and minimally invasive process. Typically performed under local anesthetic, Dr. Ching will carefully remove a small, wedge-shaped amount of tissue from the earlobe. The earlobe is then meticulously stitched together in a smaller, more desirable shape. Additionally, dermal fillers may be used to restore volume loss in the earlobe, further enhancing the rejuvenation process. This combination of surgical reshaping and filler injections can successfully recreate a more youthful and resilient ear lobe shape. It's important to note that while most patients will need to have their ears re-pierced about six weeks after the procedure, Dr. Ching will provide personalized guidance on when it's safe to undergo a new ear piercing from a trusted professional.