What is a Lip Lift?

As we age, various facial changes can impact our self-image, and the lips are no exception to this natural process. Many individuals experience the upper lip elongating and drooping over time, affecting the appearance of their smile. Others may have a naturally more extended upper lip due to hereditary factors. The good news? A lip lift procedure can effectively address these concerns by rejuvenating and enhancing the upper lip, resulting in a more youthful and appealing look. At Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery Inc., located in Honolulu, Hawaii, your satisfaction and confidence in your appearance are important to us, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

What are the Benefits of a Lip Lift?

We’ve loved sharing the multitude of benefits of this procedure with our patients. A lip lift: 

  • Restores a youthful and balanced appearance to the lips
  • Enhances the overall harmony of the facial features
  • Improves the appearance of the smile
  • Boosts self-confidence and self-image

Is a Lip Lift Right for Me?

While it’s natural to wonder if any one procedure is right for you, we’ve found our patients who get the most out of a lip lift are those: 

  • Bothered by the appearance of a long or drooping upper lip
  • Who desire a more youthful and balanced facial appearance
  • Who have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure
  • In good overall health and do not smoke
Woman touching her face and looking to the side

What is the Procedure Like?

Our esteemed and board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ching, will personally ensure your comfort and well-being on the day of your lip lift procedure at our Honolulu offices. Utilizing local anesthesia to minimize any potential discomfort, Dr. Ching meticulously performs this sophisticated surgical technique, creating a discreet incision at the base of the nose that harmonizes with your natural facial contours. Through this precise incision, a small portion of skin is strategically removed to achieve the targeted shortening of your upper lip, resulting in the desired aesthetic enhancement. This refined approach delivers subtle yet impactful results, contributing to a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.

Recovery and Aftercare

The recovery period for a lip lift is typically around one to two weeks. You may experience some swelling and bruising, which will gradually subside. It is essential to follow post-operative care instructions provided by Dr. Ching to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process.

Lip Lift FAQ

How long does the lip lift procedure take?

The procedure typically takes around one to two hours.

What is the cost of a lip lift?

The cost of a lip lift can vary depending on the specific technique used and other factors related to your particular needs. You will receive a personalized quote based on your unique needs and goals during your consultation with Dr. Ching.

Will there be visible scarring after the lip lift?

Dr. Ching employs advanced surgical techniques to minimize scarring. The incisions are strategically placed to ensure that any potential scarring is discreet and easily concealed.

When can I resume normal activities after a lip lift?

You can typically return to work and light activities within a few days after the procedure. Strenuous exercise and activities should be avoided for a few weeks for proper healing.

How long do the results of a lip lift last?

The results of a lip lift are long-lasting, providing a rejuvenated and balanced appearance to the lips for many years to come.

Why Choose Dr. Ching?

Our double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Shim Ching, is known for his expertise in aesthetic procedures and offers unparalleled skill and artistry in enhancing the natural beauty of his patients. With a focus on facial, breast, and body aesthetic procedures, Dr. Ching's meticulous attention to detail and mastery of surgical techniques consistently produce remarkable, natural-looking results. We invite you to embark on a transformative journey by scheduling a confidential consultation with Dr. Ching. During this comprehensive session, you will have the opportunity to address any concerns, explore the intricacies of the lip lift procedure, and gain a deeper understanding of how Dr. Ching's expertise can help you achieve your aesthetic goals right here in Hawaii. So why wait any longer to bring out your inner beauty? Contact us for a consultation today. 

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