What Is Facial Feminization Surgery?

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) encompasses a comprehensive array of procedures meticulously crafted to assist you in attaining the feminine facial features that resonate with your identity. This transformative journey involves a skillful fusion of surgical techniques to reshape and refine masculine facial characteristics, ultimately resulting in a more balanced, harmonious, and distinctly feminine appearance that authentically reflects your true self.

What are the Benefits of Facial Feminization Surgery?

  • Enhanced self-confidence and self-image
  • Alignment of physical appearance with gender identity
  • Improved facial harmony and balance
  • A sense of empowerment and authenticity in your appearance
  • Emotional healing and a renewed sense of self
Trans woman with a chain necklace looking to the side

Is Facial Feminization Surgery Right for Me?

If you are seeking to align your physical appearance with your gender identity, facial feminization surgery may be the right choice. It can address features such as the brow, nose, chin, and jawline to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

What Procedures Do You Offer?

Brow Contouring

Brow contouring is a surgical procedure that reshapes the brow bone to create a more feminine and delicate appearance. This procedure aims to soften and refine the upper facial features by carefully sculpting the brow bone, resulting in a more harmonious and feminine aesthetic. Dr. Ching utilizes advanced techniques to achieve natural-looking results, ensuring that the brow contouring procedure enhances your overall facial balance and symmetry.


A browlift, also known as a forehead lift, is designed to elevate the eyebrows and reduce forehead wrinkles, ultimately creating a more youthful and feminine expression. This procedure can address concerns related to a heavy or sagging brow, helping to open up the upper face and restore a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. Dr. Ching's expertise in browlift surgery focuses on achieving subtle yet impactful results, enhancing the natural beauty of the eyes and forehead area.


Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, is a transformative procedure that aims to soften and refine the nose to achieve a more feminine profile. Dr. Ching's approach to rhinoplasty involves meticulous attention to detail as he addresses structural concerns and aesthetic goals. Whether refining the nasal bridge, reshaping the tip, or addressing breathing issues, rhinoplasty can help create a more balanced and elegant facial appearance.

Chin and Jaw Contouring

Chin and jaw contouring procedures are tailored to reshape the chin and jawline, creating a softer and more feminine facial structure. Customizing the surgical approach to each patient's unique anatomy and chin and jaw contouring can contribute to a more harmonious and graceful overall facial profile.

Tracheal Shave

Tracheal shave, also known as chondrolaryngoplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces the prominence of the Adam's apple, creating a more feminine neck contour. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to achieve a smoother and more feminine neck appearance that aligns with their desired gender expression. Dr. Ching's expertise in tracheal shave surgery emphasizes precision and attention to detail, ensuring a natural and graceful outcome.

What is Recovery Like Afterwards?

Recovery after FFS will vary, depending on the specific procedures performed. You can expect some swelling and bruising, which will gradually subside over time. Dr. Ching and his team will provide you with personalized post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Why Choose Dr. Shim Ching?

Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ching is renowned for his expertise in facial, breast, and body aesthetic procedures. His mastery of surgical techniques and attention to detail consistently produce natural-looking, remarkable results. Dr. Ching's extensive education, training, and innovative and advanced techniques set him apart as a leading plastic surgeon in Honolulu, Hawaii, and internationally.

As you consider your options for facial feminine surgery, Dr. Shim Ching and the Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery team are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care, expertise, and support throughout your transformative journey. We are committed to helping you achieve feminine facial features that reflect your true self and empowering you to embrace your identity with confidence and pride.

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Directions for our fly-in patients

Dr. Shim Ching's exceptional qualifications and results draw patients to his Honolulu plastic surgery practice from across the Hawaiian Islands including Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island. Select a location for driving directions to our practice.

Facial Feminization Surgery FAQs:

Will I experience any scarring?

Dr. Ching utilizes advanced surgical techniques to minimize scarring, and incisions are strategically placed to minimize visible scarring.

What are the potential risks and complications associated with facial feminization surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, which Dr. Ching will thoroughly discuss during your consultation. These may include bleeding, infection, and temporary numbness.

How long do the results of facial feminization surgery last?

The results of facial feminization surgery are long-lasting and can provide a permanent transformation to your facial features.

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